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HRS 467

Real Estate Brokers & Salespersons

467-1 Definitions
467-1.5 Employer-employee relationship
467-1.6 Principal brokers
467-2 Exceptions
467-3 Commission, appointments, qualifications, tenure
467-4 Powers and duties of commission
467-4.5 Continuing education
467-5 Board's employees
467-6 Place of meeting
467-7 Licenses required to act as real estate broker and salesperson
467-7.5 License recognition
467-8 Prerequisites for license, registration, or certificate
467-9 License, registration, certificate, and applications
467-9.5 Prerequisites for examination
467-9.6 Examination
467-10 Form of licenses, registrations, and certificates
467-11 Fees; original license and biennial renewals
467-11.5 Prerequisites for license renewal
467-12 Place of business and posting of license
467-13 Delivery of agreement
467-14 Revocation, suspension, and fine
467-15 Hearings
467-15.5 License issued after a revocation or automatic termination
467-16 Real estate recovery fund; use of fund; fees
467-17 Additional payments to fund
467-18 Statute of limitation; recovery from fund
467-19 Management of fund
467-20 False statement
467-21 The real estate commission has standing in court
467-22 Subrogation of rights
467-23 Waiver of rights
467-24 Maximum liability
467-25 Disciplinary action against licensee
467-25.5 Registration of schools, instructors; fees 467-26 Penalty
467-30 Registration, bonding, and other requirements for condominium hotel operators
467-31 Repealed


Revised 082019


§467-1 Definitions. 


As used in this chapter: "Commission" means the real estate commission of the State. "Custodian or caretaker" means any individual, who for compensation or valuable consideration, is employed as an employee by a single owner and has the responsibility to manage or care for that real property left in the individual's trust; provided that the term "custodian" or "caretaker" shall not include any individual who leases or offers to lease, or rents or offers to rent, any real estate for more than a single owner; provided further that a single owner shall not include an

association of owners of a condominium, cooperative, or planned

unit development.


"Hotel" includes a structure or structures used primarily for the business of providing transient lodging for periods of less than thirty days and which furnishes customary hotel services including, but not limited to, front desk, restaurant, daily maid and linen service, bell service, or telephone switchboard; provided that for the purposes of this chapter,

units in a project as defined by section 514B-3 that provide customary hotel services shall be excluded from the definition of hotel. The definition of "hotel" as set forth in this section shall be in addition to and supplement the definition of "hotel" as set forth in the various county ordinances.


"Real estate" means and includes lands, the improvements thereon, leaseholds, and all other interests in real property. It shall be immaterial that a transaction also involves property other than real estate, as for example a transaction for the sale of an ongoing business, an asset of which consists of a leasehold or other interest in real property. In such a case, to the extent that real estate is involved, it shall be considered a real estate transaction for the purpose of this definition.


"Real estate broker" means any person who, for compensation or a valuable consideration, sells or offers to sell, buys or offers to buy, or negotiates the purchase or sale or exchange of real estate, or lists, or solicits for prospective purchasers, or who leases or offers to lease, or rents or offers to rent, or manages or offers to manage, any real estate, or the improvements thereon, for others, as a whole or partial vocation; or who secures, receives, takes, or accepts, and sells or offers to sell, any option on real estate without the exercise by the person of the option and for the purpose or as a means of evading the licensing requirement of this chapter.


"Real estate salesperson" means any individual who, for a compensation or valuable consideration, is employed either directly or indirectly by a real estate broker, or is an independent contractor in association with a real estate broker, to sell or offer to sell, buy or offer to buy, or list, or solicit for prospective purchasers, or who leases or offers to

lease, or rents or offers to rent, or manages or offers to manage, any real estate, or the improvements thereon, for others as a whole or partial vocation; or who secures, receives, takes, or accepts, and sells or offers to sell, any option on real estate without the exercise by the individual of the option and for the purpose or as a means of evading the licensing

requirements of this chapter. Every real estate salesperson

shall be under the direction of a real estate broker for all

real estate transactions.

§467-1.5 Employer-employee relationship. 

Nothing in this chapter or in any of the rules adopted to implement this chapter shall be deemed to create an employer-employee relationship between a real estate broker and the broker's licensees; provided that the commission shall have all power necessary to regulate the relationships, duties and liabilities among real estate brokers and real estate salespersons in order to protect the public.

§467-1.6 Principal brokers. 

(a) The principal broker shall have direct management and supervision 

of the brokerage firm and its real estate licensees.


(b) The principal broker shall be responsible for:


(1) The client trust accounts, disbursements from those

accounts, and the brokerage firm's accounting practices;


(2) The brokerage firm's records, contracts, and



(3) All real estate contracts of the brokerage firm and

its handling by the associated real estate Salesperson;


(4) The proper handling of any commission application,

real estate license application, or renewal application that the principal broker or the brokerage firm expressly agrees to handle on behalf of the applicant, including without limitation, verifying for completeness and appropriate fees, and mailing or delivering the appropriate documents to the commission by the required deadline;


(5) Developing policies and procedures for the brokerage firm 

concerning the handling of real estate transactions and the conduct of the associated real estate licensees and other staff, including education and enforcement of the policies and procedures;


(6) Setting a policy on continuing education requirements for all 

associated real estate licensees in compliance with the statutory requirement;


(7) Ensuring that the licenses of all associated real estate licensees 

and the brokerage firm license are current and active;


(8) Establishing and maintaining a training program for all 

associated real estate licensees; and


(9) Ensuring that all associated real estate licensees are provided 

information and training on the latest amendments to real estate licensing laws and rules as well as other related laws and rules.


(c) The principal broker may delegate management and supervision 

duties to one or more brokers in charge subject to the principal broker's written policies and procedures.  The principal broker shall be responsible for the education, enforcement, and records required of such policies and procedures.

§467-2 Exceptions. 

The provisions requiring licensing as a real estate broker or salesperson shall not apply:

(1) To any individual who, as owner of any real estate or acting under 

power of attorney from the owner, performs any of the acts enumerated in the definitions of real estate broker and real estate salesperson with reference to the real estate; provided that the term "owner" as used in this paragraph shall not include any individual engaged in the business of real estate development or brokerage or include an individual who acquires any interest in any real estate for the purpose or as a means of evading the licensing requirements of this chapter; and provided further that the term individual "acting under power of attorney" as used in this paragraph shall not include any individual engaged in the business of real estate development or brokerage or any individual who actsunder a power of attorney for the purpose or as ameans of evading the licensing requirements of this Chapter;


(2) To any person acting as a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, personal 

representative, or trustee acting under any trust agreement, deed of trust, or will, or otherwise acting under any order of authorization of any court;


(3) To any individual who leases, offers to lease, rents, or offers to rent, 

any real estate or the improvements thereon of which the individual is the custodian or caretaker;


(4) To any person who manages, rents, or operates a hotel; or


(5) To any provider agency owning, leasing, operating, or managing a
homeless facility or any other program for the homeless authorized 

under part XVII of chapter 346.


§467-3 Commission, appointments, qualifications, tenure.


There shall be appointed a commission to be known as the real estate commission, to consist of nine members, at least four of whom shall be licensed real estate brokers who have been engaged in business as licensed real estate brokers or salespersons for three years immediately preceding their appointments, each of whom shall be a citizen of the United States and shall have resided in the State for at least three years preceding appointment, and one of whom shall be designated by the appointing power as chairperson. Four members shall be residents of the city and county of Honolulu, one shall be a resident of the county of Hawaii, one shall be a resident of the county of Maui, and one shall be a resident of the county of Kauai and two members shall be public members.


  Appointments shall be made for a term of four years, commencing from the date of expiration of the last preceding term and shall be made to expire on June 30. Appointments shall be made so that at least one appointment shall be required each year. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.


§467-4 Powers and duties of commission. 

In addition to any other powers and duties authorized by law, the real estate commission shall:

(1) Grant licenses, registrations, and certificates pursuant to this 



(2) Adopt, amend, or repeal rules as it may deem proper to effectuate 

this chapter and carry out its purpose, which is the protection of the general public in its real estate transactions. All rules shall be approved by the governor and the director of commerce and consumer affairs, and when adopted pursuant to chapter 91 shall have the force and effect of law. The rules may forbid acts or practices deemed by the commission to be detrimental to the accomplishment of the purpose of this chapter, and the rules may require real estate brokers and salespersons to complete educational courses or to make reports to the commission containing items of information as will better enable the commission to enforce this chapter and the rules, or as will better enable the commission from time to time to amend the rules to more fully effect the purpose of this chapter, and, further, the rules may require real estate brokers and salespersons to furnish reports to their clients containing matters of information as the commission deems necessary to promote the purpose of this chapter. This enumeration of specific matters that may properly be made the subject of rules shall not be construed to limit the commission's broad general power to make all rules necessary to fully effectuate the purpose of this chapter;


(3) Enforce this chapter and rules adopted pursuant thereto;


(4) Suspend, fine, terminate, or revoke any license, registration, or 

certificate for any cause prescribed by this chapter, or for any violation of the rules, and may also require additional education or re- examination, and refuse to grant any license, registration, or certificate for any cause that would be a ground for suspension, fine, termination, or revocation of a license, registration, or certificate;


(5) Report to the governor and the legislature relevant information that 

shall include but not be limited to a summary of the programs and financial information about the trust funds, including balances and budgets, through the director of commerce and consumer affairs annually, before the convening of each regular session, and at other times and in other manners as the governor or the legislature may require concerning its activities;


(6) Publish and distribute pamphlets and circulars, produce seminars 

and workshops, hold meetings in all counties, and require other education regarding any information as is proper to further the accomplishment of the purpose of this chapter;


(7) Enter into contract or contracts with qualified persons to assist the 

commission in effectuating the purpose of this chapter; and


(8) Establish standing committees to assist in effectuating this chapter 

and carry out its purpose, which shall meet not less often than ten times annually, and shall from time to time meet in each of the counties.

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